Rejection that leads to eternal glory
Text: John 12: 37-50 Text verse: John 12:42 John mentions in this passage that there were some members of the Jewish council who came to...
Rejection that leads to eternal glory
Die goeie stryd wat gestry moet word
Our suffering produces a great harvest...
God is by ons…
Our lives are part of God’s victory plan
Die gode van Ragel vs. die God van Jakob
Redeemed from the stranglehold of sin
Wees sterk en vasberade!
Don’t procrastinate ...
Vertrou God om die onreg reg te stel
Die stryd van die lewe, en ons troos...
God creates good from evil
Jesus bears the sorrow of death
Wanneer dit voel of die lewe jou bedrieg...
Who or what determines your life?
Die Here is by jou, vertrou Hom
Purpose of suffering? - To glorify the Father
Erken God as Koning van jou lewe
Enemy of the world, but a friend of God
In Jesus sal jy nooit teleurgestel wees nie.